Each "Week" has a lecture associated with it.
There will be approximately weekly assignments, due the Wed after the end of the week, so Assignment 1 is due Wed. 23 Sep at 17:00 local time, Assignment 2 due 30 Sep, etc. Assignments are of equal weight, and are 55% of your grade. Late assignments are penalized 10% per day, partial days rounded up, weekends included.
Assignments are due by email, subject must say: Phy411 Assignment 01
, Phy411 Assignment 02
, etc. The email can contain a PDF of your assignment, or it can contain a link to your notebook if you keep the notebook on github or wakari.
Download Linked File As...
(or whatever the syntax is for your browser).If you have wget
on your machine (it is available as freeware on most operating systems), you can do:
wget https://github.com/jklymak/Phy411/raw/master/release/Assign01/Assignment-01.ipynb
If you have curl
curl -L "https://github.com/jklymak/Phy411/raw/master/release/Assign01/Assignment-01.ipynb" > Assignment-01.ipynb
If you are writing notebooks on your machine, its pretty easy to share them by keeping them under version control on github.
% git clone https://github.com/yourname/Phy411Assignments.git
and you should get a copy of the directory Phy411Assignments
in a level below your present one.
% git add Assignment01.ipynb
% git commit -a -m "added Assignment01.ipynb"
% git push origin master
. Do so, copy the link and send it to me. Please check your github page and make sure it renders so I can read it! If you want to make changes before the due date, that is fine, just let me know you have made changes. No changes allowed after the due date, or you will receive a late penalty as above based on the newest time stamp.I know that seems like a lot, but really, it is great to store things on github anyways as a back up to make sure your work is safe. After that, its very easy to figure out the pathnames to send me for nbviewer, so its not as big a chore as this all sounds. You simply have to remember to add
(once), commit
, and push
your work.