Lectures and Assignments



Each "Week" has a lecture associated with it.



There will be approximately weekly assignments, due the Wed after the end of the week, so Assignment 1 is due Wed. 23 Sep at 17:00 local time, Assignment 2 due 30 Sep, etc. Assignments are of equal weight, and are 55% of your grade. Late assignments are penalized 10% per day, partial days rounded up, weekends included.

Assignments are due by email, subject must say: Phy411 Assignment 01, Phy411 Assignment 02, etc. The email can contain a PDF of your assignment, or it can contain a link to your notebook if you keep the notebook on github or wakari.

Getting the Assignments

Use the github GUI

Get the files directly:

If you have wget on your machine (it is available as freeware on most operating systems), you can do:

wget https://github.com/jklymak/Phy411/raw/master/release/Assign01/Assignment-01.ipynb

If you have curl

curl -L "https://github.com/jklymak/Phy411/raw/master/release/Assign01/Assignment-01.ipynb" > Assignment-01.ipynb

Sharing Your Assignment on Github

If you are writing notebooks on your machine, its pretty easy to share them by keeping them under version control on github.

% git clone https://github.com/yourname/Phy411Assignments.git

and you should get a copy of the directory Phy411Assignments in a level below your present one.

% git add Assignment01.ipynb
% git commit -a -m "added Assignment01.ipynb"
% git push origin master

I know that seems like a lot, but really, it is great to store things on github anyways as a back up to make sure your work is safe. After that, its very easy to figure out the pathnames to send me for nbviewer, so its not as big a chore as this all sounds. You simply have to remember to add (once), commit, and push your work.

Last Modified: 09 September 2016 Licence: Creative Commons Attribution required, non-commercial uses (CC BY-NC 4.0)