Source code for matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf

A PDF matplotlib backend
Author: Jouni K Seppänen <>

import codecs
import collections
from datetime import datetime
from functools import total_ordering
from io import BytesIO
import itertools
import logging
import math
import os
import re
import struct
import time
import types
import warnings
import zlib

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import _text_layout, cbook
from matplotlib._pylab_helpers import Gcf
from matplotlib.backend_bases import (
    _Backend, _check_savefig_extra_args, FigureCanvasBase, FigureManagerBase,
    GraphicsContextBase, RendererBase)
from matplotlib.backends.backend_mixed import MixedModeRenderer
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.font_manager import findfont, is_opentype_cff_font, get_font
from matplotlib.afm import AFM
import matplotlib.type1font as type1font
import matplotlib.dviread as dviread
from matplotlib.ft2font import (FIXED_WIDTH, ITALIC, LOAD_NO_SCALE,
                                LOAD_NO_HINTING, KERNING_UNFITTED)
from matplotlib.mathtext import MathTextParser
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D, BboxBase
from matplotlib.path import Path
from matplotlib.dates import UTC
from matplotlib import _path
from matplotlib import _ttconv
from . import _backend_pdf_ps

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Overview
# The low-level knowledge about pdf syntax lies mainly in the pdfRepr
# function and the classes Reference, Name, Operator, and Stream.  The
# PdfFile class knows about the overall structure of pdf documents.
# It provides a "write" method for writing arbitrary strings in the
# file, and an "output" method that passes objects through the pdfRepr
# function before writing them in the file.  The output method is
# called by the RendererPdf class, which contains the various draw_foo
# methods.  RendererPdf contains a GraphicsContextPdf instance, and
# each draw_foo calls self.check_gc before outputting commands.  This
# method checks whether the pdf graphics state needs to be modified
# and outputs the necessary commands.  GraphicsContextPdf represents
# the graphics state, and its "delta" method returns the commands that
# modify the state.

# Add "pdf.use14corefonts: True" in your configuration file to use only
# the 14 PDF core fonts. These fonts do not need to be embedded; every
# PDF viewing application is required to have them. This results in very
# light PDF files you can use directly in LaTeX or ConTeXt documents
# generated with pdfTeX, without any conversion.

# These fonts are: Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Oblique,
# Helvetica-BoldOblique, Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-Oblique,
# Courier-BoldOblique, Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Times-Italic,
# Times-BoldItalic, Symbol, ZapfDingbats.
# Some tricky points:
# 1. The clip path can only be widened by popping from the state
# stack.  Thus the state must be pushed onto the stack before narrowing
# the clip path.  This is taken care of by GraphicsContextPdf.
# 2. Sometimes it is necessary to refer to something (e.g., font,
# image, or extended graphics state, which contains the alpha value)
# in the page stream by a name that needs to be defined outside the
# stream.  PdfFile provides the methods fontName, imageObject, and
# alphaState for this purpose.  The implementations of these methods
# should perhaps be generalized.

# TODOs:
# * encoding of fonts, including mathtext fonts and unicode support
# * TTF support has lots of small TODOs, e.g., how do you know if a font
#   is serif/sans-serif, or symbolic/non-symbolic?
# * draw_quad_mesh

[docs]def fill(strings, linelen=75): """ Make one string from sequence of strings, with whitespace in between. The whitespace is chosen to form lines of at most *linelen* characters, if possible. """ currpos = 0 lasti = 0 result = [] for i, s in enumerate(strings): length = len(s) if currpos + length < linelen: currpos += length + 1 else: result.append(b' '.join(strings[lasti:i])) lasti = i currpos = length result.append(b' '.join(strings[lasti:])) return b'\n'.join(result)
# PDF strings are supposed to be able to include any eight-bit data, # except that unbalanced parens and backslashes must be escaped by a # backslash. However, sf bug #2708559 shows that the carriage return # character may get read as a newline; these characters correspond to # \gamma and \Omega in TeX's math font encoding. Escaping them fixes # the bug. _string_escape_regex = re.compile(br'([\\()\r\n])') def _string_escape(match): m = if m in br'\()': return b'\\' + m elif m == b'\n': return br'\n' elif m == b'\r': return br'\r' assert False def _create_pdf_info_dict(backend, metadata): """ Create a PDF infoDict based on user-supplied metadata. A default ``Creator``, ``Producer``, and ``CreationDate`` are added, though the user metadata may override it. The date may be the current time, or a time set by the ``SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`` environment variable. Metadata is verified to have the correct keys and their expected types. Any unknown keys/types will raise a warning. Parameters ---------- backend : str The name of the backend to use in the Producer value. metadata : Dict[str, Union[str, datetime, Name]] A dictionary of metadata supplied by the user with information following the PDF specification, also defined in `~.backend_pdf.PdfPages` below. If any value is *None*, then the key will be removed. This can be used to remove any pre-defined values. Returns ------- Dict[str, Union[str, datetime, Name]] A validated dictionary of metadata. """ # get source date from SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH, if set # See source_date_epoch = os.getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH") if source_date_epoch: source_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(source_date_epoch)) source_date = source_date.replace(tzinfo=UTC) else: source_date = info = { 'Creator': f'Matplotlib v{mpl.__version__},', 'Producer': f'Matplotlib {backend} backend v{mpl.__version__}', 'CreationDate': source_date, **metadata } info = {k: v for (k, v) in info.items() if v is not None} def is_string_like(x): return isinstance(x, str) def is_date(x): return isinstance(x, datetime) def check_trapped(x): if isinstance(x, Name): return in (b'True', b'False', b'Unknown') else: return x in ('True', 'False', 'Unknown') keywords = { 'Title': is_string_like, 'Author': is_string_like, 'Subject': is_string_like, 'Keywords': is_string_like, 'Creator': is_string_like, 'Producer': is_string_like, 'CreationDate': is_date, 'ModDate': is_date, 'Trapped': check_trapped, } for k in info: if k not in keywords: cbook._warn_external(f'Unknown infodict keyword: {k}') elif not keywords[k](info[k]): cbook._warn_external(f'Bad value for infodict keyword {k}') if 'Trapped' in info: info['Trapped'] = Name(info['Trapped']) return info def _datetime_to_pdf(d): """ Convert a datetime to a PDF string representing it. Used for PDF and PGF. """ r = d.strftime('D:%Y%m%d%H%M%S') z = d.utcoffset() if z is not None: z = z.seconds else: if time.daylight: z = time.altzone else: z = time.timezone if z == 0: r += 'Z' elif z < 0: r += "+%02d'%02d'" % ((-z) // 3600, (-z) % 3600) else: r += "-%02d'%02d'" % (z // 3600, z % 3600) return r
[docs]def pdfRepr(obj): """Map Python objects to PDF syntax.""" # Some objects defined later have their own pdfRepr method. if hasattr(obj, 'pdfRepr'): return obj.pdfRepr() # Floats. PDF does not have exponential notation (1.0e-10) so we # need to use %f with some precision. Perhaps the precision # should adapt to the magnitude of the number? elif isinstance(obj, (float, np.floating)): if not np.isfinite(obj): raise ValueError("Can only output finite numbers in PDF") r = b"%.10f" % obj return r.rstrip(b'0').rstrip(b'.') # Booleans. Needs to be tested before integers since # isinstance(True, int) is true. elif isinstance(obj, bool): return [b'false', b'true'][obj] # Integers are written as such. elif isinstance(obj, (int, np.integer)): return b"%d" % obj # Unicode strings are encoded in UTF-16BE with byte-order mark. elif isinstance(obj, str): try: # But maybe it's really ASCII? s = obj.encode('ASCII') return pdfRepr(s) except UnicodeEncodeError: s = codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE + obj.encode('UTF-16BE') return pdfRepr(s) # Strings are written in parentheses, with backslashes and parens # escaped. Actually balanced parens are allowed, but it is # simpler to escape them all. TODO: cut long strings into lines; # I believe there is some maximum line length in PDF. elif isinstance(obj, bytes): return b'(' + _string_escape_regex.sub(_string_escape, obj) + b')' # Dictionaries. The keys must be PDF names, so if we find strings # there, we make Name objects from them. The values may be # anything, so the caller must ensure that PDF names are # represented as Name objects. elif isinstance(obj, dict): return fill([ b"<<", *[Name(key).pdfRepr() + b" " + pdfRepr(obj[key]) for key in sorted(obj)], b">>", ]) # Lists. elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return fill([b"[", *[pdfRepr(val) for val in obj], b"]"]) # The null keyword. elif obj is None: return b'null' # A date. elif isinstance(obj, datetime): return pdfRepr(_datetime_to_pdf(obj)) # A bounding box elif isinstance(obj, BboxBase): return fill([pdfRepr(val) for val in obj.bounds]) else: raise TypeError("Don't know a PDF representation for {} objects" .format(type(obj)))
[docs]class Reference: """ PDF reference object. Use PdfFile.reserveObject() to create References. """ def __init__(self, id): = id def __repr__(self): return "<Reference %d>" %
[docs] def pdfRepr(self): return b"%d 0 R" %
[docs] def write(self, contents, file): write = file.write write(b"%d 0 obj\n" % write(pdfRepr(contents)) write(b"\nendobj\n")
[docs]@total_ordering class Name: """PDF name object.""" __slots__ = ('name',) _regex = re.compile(r'[^!-~]') def __init__(self, name): if isinstance(name, Name): = else: if isinstance(name, bytes): name = name.decode('ascii') = self._regex.sub(Name.hexify, name).encode('ascii') def __repr__(self): return "<Name %s>" % def __str__(self): return '/' + str( def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Name) and == def __lt__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Name) and < def __hash__(self): return hash(
[docs] @staticmethod def hexify(match): return '#%02x' % ord(
[docs] def pdfRepr(self): return b'/' +
[docs]class Operator: """PDF operator object.""" __slots__ = ('op',) def __init__(self, op): self.op = op def __repr__(self): return '<Operator %s>' % self.op
[docs] def pdfRepr(self): return self.op
[docs]class Verbatim: """Store verbatim PDF command content for later inclusion in the stream.""" def __init__(self, x): self._x = x
[docs] def pdfRepr(self): return self._x
# PDF operators (not an exhaustive list) _pdfops = dict( close_fill_stroke=b'b', fill_stroke=b'B', fill=b'f', closepath=b'h', close_stroke=b's', stroke=b'S', endpath=b'n', begin_text=b'BT', end_text=b'ET', curveto=b'c', rectangle=b're', lineto=b'l', moveto=b'm', concat_matrix=b'cm', use_xobject=b'Do', setgray_stroke=b'G', setgray_nonstroke=b'g', setrgb_stroke=b'RG', setrgb_nonstroke=b'rg', setcolorspace_stroke=b'CS', setcolorspace_nonstroke=b'cs', setcolor_stroke=b'SCN', setcolor_nonstroke=b'scn', setdash=b'd', setlinejoin=b'j', setlinecap=b'J', setgstate=b'gs', gsave=b'q', grestore=b'Q', textpos=b'Td', selectfont=b'Tf', textmatrix=b'Tm', show=b'Tj', showkern=b'TJ', setlinewidth=b'w', clip=b'W', shading=b'sh') Op = types.SimpleNamespace(**{name: Operator(value) for name, value in _pdfops.items()}) def _paint_path(fill, stroke): """ Return the PDF operator to paint a path. Parameters ---------- fill: bool Fill the path with the fill color. stroke: bool Stroke the outline of the path with the line color. """ if stroke: if fill: return Op.fill_stroke else: return Op.stroke else: if fill: return Op.fill else: return Op.endpath Op.paint_path = _paint_path
[docs]class Stream: """ PDF stream object. This has no pdfRepr method. Instead, call begin(), then output the contents of the stream by calling write(), and finally call end(). """ __slots__ = ('id', 'len', 'pdfFile', 'file', 'compressobj', 'extra', 'pos') def __init__(self, id, len, file, extra=None, png=None): """ Parameters ---------- id : int Object id of the stream. len : Reference or None An unused Reference object for the length of the stream; None means to use a memory buffer so the length can be inlined. file : PdfFile The underlying object to write the stream to. extra : dict from Name to anything, or None Extra key-value pairs to include in the stream header. png : dict or None If the data is already png encoded, the decode parameters. """ = id # object id self.len = len # id of length object self.pdfFile = file self.file = file.fh # file to which the stream is written self.compressobj = None # compression object if extra is None: self.extra = dict() else: self.extra = extra.copy() if png is not None: self.extra.update({'Filter': Name('FlateDecode'), 'DecodeParms': png}) self.pdfFile.recordXref( if mpl.rcParams['pdf.compression'] and not png: self.compressobj = zlib.compressobj( mpl.rcParams['pdf.compression']) if self.len is None: self.file = BytesIO() else: self._writeHeader() self.pos = self.file.tell() def _writeHeader(self): write = self.file.write write(b"%d 0 obj\n" % dict = self.extra dict['Length'] = self.len if mpl.rcParams['pdf.compression']: dict['Filter'] = Name('FlateDecode') write(pdfRepr(dict)) write(b"\nstream\n")
[docs] def end(self): """Finalize stream.""" self._flush() if self.len is None: contents = self.file.getvalue() self.len = len(contents) self.file = self.pdfFile.fh self._writeHeader() self.file.write(contents) self.file.write(b"\nendstream\nendobj\n") else: length = self.file.tell() - self.pos self.file.write(b"\nendstream\nendobj\n") self.pdfFile.writeObject(self.len, length)
[docs] def write(self, data): """Write some data on the stream.""" if self.compressobj is None: self.file.write(data) else: compressed = self.compressobj.compress(data) self.file.write(compressed)
def _flush(self): """Flush the compression object.""" if self.compressobj is not None: compressed = self.compressobj.flush() self.file.write(compressed) self.compressobj = None
[docs]class PdfFile: """PDF file object.""" def __init__(self, filename, metadata=None): """ Parameters ---------- filename : str or path-like or file-like Output target; if a string, a file will be opened for writing. metadata : dict from strings to strings and dates Information dictionary object (see PDF reference section 10.2.1 'Document Information Dictionary'), e.g.: ``{'Creator': 'My software', 'Author': 'Me', 'Title': 'Awesome'}``. The standard keys are 'Title', 'Author', 'Subject', 'Keywords', 'Creator', 'Producer', 'CreationDate', 'ModDate', and 'Trapped'. Values have been predefined for 'Creator', 'Producer' and 'CreationDate'. They can be removed by setting them to `None`. """ super().__init__() self._object_seq = itertools.count(1) # consumed by reserveObject self.xrefTable = [[0, 65535, 'the zero object']] self.passed_in_file_object = False self.original_file_like = None self.tell_base = 0 fh, opened = cbook.to_filehandle(filename, "wb", return_opened=True) if not opened: try: self.tell_base = filename.tell() except IOError: fh = BytesIO() self.original_file_like = filename else: fh = filename self.passed_in_file_object = True self.fh = fh self.currentstream = None # stream object to write to, if any fh.write(b"%PDF-1.4\n") # 1.4 is the first version to have alpha # Output some eight-bit chars as a comment so various utilities # recognize the file as binary by looking at the first few # lines (see note in section 3.4.1 of the PDF reference). fh.write(b"%\254\334 \253\272\n") self.rootObject = self.reserveObject('root') self.pagesObject = self.reserveObject('pages') self.pageList = [] self.fontObject = self.reserveObject('fonts') self._extGStateObject = self.reserveObject('extended graphics states') self.hatchObject = self.reserveObject('tiling patterns') self.gouraudObject = self.reserveObject('Gouraud triangles') self.XObjectObject = self.reserveObject('external objects') self.resourceObject = self.reserveObject('resources') root = {'Type': Name('Catalog'), 'Pages': self.pagesObject} self.writeObject(self.rootObject, root) self.infoDict = _create_pdf_info_dict('pdf', metadata or {}) self.fontNames = {} # maps filenames to internal font names self._internal_font_seq = (Name(f'F{i}') for i in itertools.count(1)) self.dviFontInfo = {} # maps dvi font names to embedding information # differently encoded Type-1 fonts may share the same descriptor self.type1Descriptors = {} self._character_tracker = _backend_pdf_ps.CharacterTracker() self.alphaStates = {} # maps alpha values to graphics state objects self._alpha_state_seq = (Name(f'A{i}') for i in itertools.count(1)) self._soft_mask_states = {} self._soft_mask_seq = (Name(f'SM{i}') for i in itertools.count(1)) self._soft_mask_groups = [] # reproducible writeHatches needs an ordered dict: self.hatchPatterns = collections.OrderedDict() self._hatch_pattern_seq = (Name(f'H{i}') for i in itertools.count(1)) self.gouraudTriangles = [] self._images = collections.OrderedDict() # reproducible writeImages self._image_seq = (Name(f'I{i}') for i in itertools.count(1)) self.markers = collections.OrderedDict() # reproducible writeMarkers self.multi_byte_charprocs = {} self.paths = [] self.pageAnnotations = [] # A list of annotations for the current page # The PDF spec recommends to include every procset procsets = [Name(x) for x in "PDF Text ImageB ImageC ImageI".split()] # Write resource dictionary. # Possibly TODO: more general ExtGState (graphics state dictionaries) # ColorSpace Pattern Shading Properties resources = {'Font': self.fontObject, 'XObject': self.XObjectObject, 'ExtGState': self._extGStateObject, 'Pattern': self.hatchObject, 'Shading': self.gouraudObject, 'ProcSet': procsets} self.writeObject(self.resourceObject, resources) @cbook.deprecated("3.3") @property def used_characters(self): return self.file._character_tracker.used_characters
[docs] def newPage(self, width, height): self.endStream() self.width, self.height = width, height contentObject = self.reserveObject('page contents') thePage = {'Type': Name('Page'), 'Parent': self.pagesObject, 'Resources': self.resourceObject, 'MediaBox': [0, 0, 72 * width, 72 * height], 'Contents': contentObject, 'Group': {'Type': Name('Group'), 'S': Name('Transparency'), 'CS': Name('DeviceRGB')}, 'Annots': self.pageAnnotations, } pageObject = self.reserveObject('page') self.writeObject(pageObject, thePage) self.pageList.append(pageObject) self.beginStream(, self.reserveObject('length of content stream')) # Initialize the pdf graphics state to match the default mpl # graphics context: currently only the join style needs to be set self.output(GraphicsContextPdf.joinstyles['round'], Op.setlinejoin) # Clear the list of annotations for the next page self.pageAnnotations = []
[docs] def newTextnote(self, text, positionRect=[-100, -100, 0, 0]): # Create a new annotation of type text theNote = {'Type': Name('Annot'), 'Subtype': Name('Text'), 'Contents': text, 'Rect': positionRect, } annotObject = self.reserveObject('annotation') self.writeObject(annotObject, theNote) self.pageAnnotations.append(annotObject)
[docs] def finalize(self): """Write out the various deferred objects and the pdf end matter.""" self.endStream() self.writeFonts() self.writeExtGSTates() self._write_soft_mask_groups() self.writeHatches() self.writeGouraudTriangles() xobjects = { name: ob for image, name, ob in self._images.values()} for tup in self.markers.values(): xobjects[tup[0]] = tup[1] for name, value in self.multi_byte_charprocs.items(): xobjects[name] = value for name, path, trans, ob, join, cap, padding, filled, stroked \ in self.paths: xobjects[name] = ob self.writeObject(self.XObjectObject, xobjects) self.writeImages() self.writeMarkers() self.writePathCollectionTemplates() self.writeObject(self.pagesObject, {'Type': Name('Pages'), 'Kids': self.pageList, 'Count': len(self.pageList)}) self.writeInfoDict() # Finalize the file self.writeXref() self.writeTrailer()
[docs] def close(self): """Flush all buffers and free all resources.""" self.endStream() if self.passed_in_file_object: self.fh.flush() else: if self.original_file_like is not None: self.original_file_like.write(self.fh.getvalue()) self.fh.close()
[docs] def write(self, data): if self.currentstream is None: self.fh.write(data) else: self.currentstream.write(data)
[docs] def output(self, *data): self.write(fill([pdfRepr(x) for x in data])) self.write(b'\n')
[docs] def beginStream(self, id, len, extra=None, png=None): assert self.currentstream is None self.currentstream = Stream(id, len, self, extra, png)
[docs] def endStream(self): if self.currentstream is not None: self.currentstream.end() self.currentstream = None
[docs] def fontName(self, fontprop): """ Select a font based on fontprop and return a name suitable for Op.selectfont. If fontprop is a string, it will be interpreted as the filename of the font. """ if isinstance(fontprop, str): filename = fontprop elif mpl.rcParams['pdf.use14corefonts']: filename = findfont( fontprop, fontext='afm', directory=RendererPdf._afm_font_dir) else: filename = findfont(fontprop) Fx = self.fontNames.get(filename) if Fx is None: Fx = next(self._internal_font_seq) self.fontNames[filename] = Fx _log.debug('Assigning font %s = %r', Fx, filename) return Fx
[docs] def dviFontName(self, dvifont): """ Given a dvi font object, return a name suitable for Op.selectfont. This registers the font information in ``self.dviFontInfo`` if not yet registered. """ dvi_info = self.dviFontInfo.get(dvifont.texname) if dvi_info is not None: return dvi_info.pdfname tex_font_map = dviread.PsfontsMap(dviread.find_tex_file('')) psfont = tex_font_map[dvifont.texname] if psfont.filename is None: raise ValueError( "No usable font file found for {} (TeX: {}); " "the font may lack a Type-1 version" .format(psfont.psname, dvifont.texname)) pdfname = next(self._internal_font_seq) _log.debug('Assigning font %s = %s (dvi)', pdfname, dvifont.texname) self.dviFontInfo[dvifont.texname] = types.SimpleNamespace( dvifont=dvifont, pdfname=pdfname, fontfile=psfont.filename, basefont=psfont.psname, encodingfile=psfont.encoding, effects=psfont.effects) return pdfname
[docs] def writeFonts(self): fonts = {} for dviname, info in sorted(self.dviFontInfo.items()): Fx = info.pdfname _log.debug('Embedding Type-1 font %s from dvi.', dviname) fonts[Fx] = self._embedTeXFont(info) for filename in sorted(self.fontNames): Fx = self.fontNames[filename] _log.debug('Embedding font %s.', filename) if filename.endswith('.afm'): # from pdf.use14corefonts _log.debug('Writing AFM font.') fonts[Fx] = self._write_afm_font(filename) else: # a normal TrueType font _log.debug('Writing TrueType font.') chars = self._character_tracker.used.get(filename) if chars: fonts[Fx] = self.embedTTF(filename, chars) self.writeObject(self.fontObject, fonts)
def _write_afm_font(self, filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as fh: font = AFM(fh) fontname = font.get_fontname() fontdict = {'Type': Name('Font'), 'Subtype': Name('Type1'), 'BaseFont': Name(fontname), 'Encoding': Name('WinAnsiEncoding')} fontdictObject = self.reserveObject('font dictionary') self.writeObject(fontdictObject, fontdict) return fontdictObject def _embedTeXFont(self, fontinfo): _log.debug('Embedding TeX font %s - fontinfo=%s', fontinfo.dvifont.texname, fontinfo.__dict__) # Widths widthsObject = self.reserveObject('font widths') self.writeObject(widthsObject, fontinfo.dvifont.widths) # Font dictionary fontdictObject = self.reserveObject('font dictionary') fontdict = { 'Type': Name('Font'), 'Subtype': Name('Type1'), 'FirstChar': 0, 'LastChar': len(fontinfo.dvifont.widths) - 1, 'Widths': widthsObject, } # Encoding (if needed) if fontinfo.encodingfile is not None: fontdict['Encoding'] = { 'Type': Name('Encoding'), 'Differences': [ 0, *map(Name, dviread._parse_enc(fontinfo.encodingfile))], } # If no file is specified, stop short if fontinfo.fontfile is None: _log.warning( "Because of TeX configuration (, see updmap option " "pdftexDownloadBase14) the font %s is not embedded. This is " "deprecated as of PDF 1.5 and it may cause the consumer " "application to show something that was not intended.", fontinfo.basefont) fontdict['BaseFont'] = Name(fontinfo.basefont) self.writeObject(fontdictObject, fontdict) return fontdictObject # We have a font file to embed - read it in and apply any effects t1font = type1font.Type1Font(fontinfo.fontfile) if fontinfo.effects: t1font = t1font.transform(fontinfo.effects) fontdict['BaseFont'] = Name(t1font.prop['FontName']) # Font descriptors may be shared between differently encoded # Type-1 fonts, so only create a new descriptor if there is no # existing descriptor for this font. effects = (fontinfo.effects.get('slant', 0.0), fontinfo.effects.get('extend', 1.0)) fontdesc = self.type1Descriptors.get((fontinfo.fontfile, effects)) if fontdesc is None: fontdesc = self.createType1Descriptor(t1font, fontinfo.fontfile) self.type1Descriptors[(fontinfo.fontfile, effects)] = fontdesc fontdict['FontDescriptor'] = fontdesc self.writeObject(fontdictObject, fontdict) return fontdictObject
[docs] def createType1Descriptor(self, t1font, fontfile): # Create and write the font descriptor and the font file # of a Type-1 font fontdescObject = self.reserveObject('font descriptor') fontfileObject = self.reserveObject('font file') italic_angle = t1font.prop['ItalicAngle'] fixed_pitch = t1font.prop['isFixedPitch'] flags = 0 # fixed width if fixed_pitch: flags |= 1 << 0 # TODO: serif if 0: flags |= 1 << 1 # TODO: symbolic (most TeX fonts are) if 1: flags |= 1 << 2 # non-symbolic else: flags |= 1 << 5 # italic if italic_angle: flags |= 1 << 6 # TODO: all caps if 0: flags |= 1 << 16 # TODO: small caps if 0: flags |= 1 << 17 # TODO: force bold if 0: flags |= 1 << 18 ft2font = get_font(fontfile) descriptor = { 'Type': Name('FontDescriptor'), 'FontName': Name(t1font.prop['FontName']), 'Flags': flags, 'FontBBox': ft2font.bbox, 'ItalicAngle': italic_angle, 'Ascent': ft2font.ascender, 'Descent': ft2font.descender, 'CapHeight': 1000, # TODO: find this out 'XHeight': 500, # TODO: this one too 'FontFile': fontfileObject, 'FontFamily': t1font.prop['FamilyName'], 'StemV': 50, # TODO # (see also revision 3874; but not all TeX distros have AFM files!) # 'FontWeight': a number where 400 = Regular, 700 = Bold } self.writeObject(fontdescObject, descriptor) self.beginStream(, None, {'Length1': len([0]), 'Length2': len([1]), 'Length3': 0}) self.currentstream.write([0]) self.currentstream.write([1]) self.endStream() return fontdescObject
def _get_xobject_symbol_name(self, filename, symbol_name): Fx = self.fontName(filename) return "-".join([, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0], symbol_name]) _identityToUnicodeCMap = b"""/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap /CIDSystemInfo << /Registry (Adobe) /Ordering (UCS) /Supplement 0 >> def /CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def /CMapType 2 def 1 begincodespacerange <0000> <ffff> endcodespacerange %d beginbfrange %s endbfrange endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end"""
[docs] def embedTTF(self, filename, characters): """Embed the TTF font from the named file into the document.""" font = get_font(filename) fonttype = mpl.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] def cvt(length, upe=font.units_per_EM, nearest=True): """Convert font coordinates to PDF glyph coordinates.""" value = length / upe * 1000 if nearest: return round(value) # Best(?) to round away from zero for bounding boxes and the like. if value < 0: return math.floor(value) else: return math.ceil(value) def embedTTFType3(font, characters, descriptor): """The Type 3-specific part of embedding a Truetype font""" widthsObject = self.reserveObject('font widths') fontdescObject = self.reserveObject('font descriptor') fontdictObject = self.reserveObject('font dictionary') charprocsObject = self.reserveObject('character procs') differencesArray = [] firstchar, lastchar = 0, 255 bbox = [cvt(x, nearest=False) for x in font.bbox] fontdict = { 'Type': Name('Font'), 'BaseFont': ps_name, 'FirstChar': firstchar, 'LastChar': lastchar, 'FontDescriptor': fontdescObject, 'Subtype': Name('Type3'), 'Name': descriptor['FontName'], 'FontBBox': bbox, 'FontMatrix': [.001, 0, 0, .001, 0, 0], 'CharProcs': charprocsObject, 'Encoding': { 'Type': Name('Encoding'), 'Differences': differencesArray}, 'Widths': widthsObject } from encodings import cp1252 # Make the "Widths" array def get_char_width(charcode): s = ord(cp1252.decoding_table[charcode]) width = font.load_char( s, flags=LOAD_NO_SCALE | LOAD_NO_HINTING).horiAdvance return cvt(width) with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Ignore 'Required glyph missing from current font' warning # from ft2font: here we're just building the widths table, but # the missing glyphs may not even be used in the actual string. warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") widths = [get_char_width(charcode) for charcode in range(firstchar, lastchar+1)] descriptor['MaxWidth'] = max(widths) # Make the "Differences" array, sort the ccodes < 255 from # the multi-byte ccodes, and build the whole set of glyph ids # that we need from this font. glyph_ids = [] differences = [] multi_byte_chars = set() for c in characters: ccode = c gind = font.get_char_index(ccode) glyph_ids.append(gind) glyph_name = font.get_glyph_name(gind) if ccode <= 255: differences.append((ccode, glyph_name)) else: multi_byte_chars.add(glyph_name) differences.sort() last_c = -2 for c, name in differences: if c != last_c + 1: differencesArray.append(c) differencesArray.append(Name(name)) last_c = c # Make the charprocs array (using ttconv to generate the # actual outlines) try: rawcharprocs = _ttconv.get_pdf_charprocs( os.fsencode(filename), glyph_ids) except RuntimeError: _log.warning("The PDF backend does not currently support the " "selected font.") raise charprocs = {} for charname in sorted(rawcharprocs): stream = rawcharprocs[charname] charprocDict = {'Length': len(stream)} # The 2-byte characters are used as XObjects, so they # need extra info in their dictionary if charname in multi_byte_chars: charprocDict['Type'] = Name('XObject') charprocDict['Subtype'] = Name('Form') charprocDict['BBox'] = bbox # Each glyph includes bounding box information, # but xpdf and ghostscript can't handle it in a # Form XObject (they segfault!!!), so we remove it # from the stream here. It's not needed anyway, # since the Form XObject includes it in its BBox # value. stream = stream[stream.find(b"d1") + 2:] charprocObject = self.reserveObject('charProc') self.beginStream(, None, charprocDict) self.currentstream.write(stream) self.endStream() # Send the glyphs with ccode > 255 to the XObject dictionary, # and the others to the font itself if charname in multi_byte_chars: name = self._get_xobject_symbol_name(filename, charname) self.multi_byte_charprocs[name] = charprocObject else: charprocs[charname] = charprocObject # Write everything out self.writeObject(fontdictObject, fontdict) self.writeObject(fontdescObject, descriptor) self.writeObject(widthsObject, widths) self.writeObject(charprocsObject, charprocs) return fontdictObject def embedTTFType42(font, characters, descriptor): """The Type 42-specific part of embedding a Truetype font""" fontdescObject = self.reserveObject('font descriptor') cidFontDictObject = self.reserveObject('CID font dictionary') type0FontDictObject = self.reserveObject('Type 0 font dictionary') cidToGidMapObject = self.reserveObject('CIDToGIDMap stream') fontfileObject = self.reserveObject('font file stream') wObject = self.reserveObject('Type 0 widths') toUnicodeMapObject = self.reserveObject('ToUnicode map') cidFontDict = { 'Type': Name('Font'), 'Subtype': Name('CIDFontType2'), 'BaseFont': ps_name, 'CIDSystemInfo': { 'Registry': 'Adobe', 'Ordering': 'Identity', 'Supplement': 0}, 'FontDescriptor': fontdescObject, 'W': wObject, 'CIDToGIDMap': cidToGidMapObject } type0FontDict = { 'Type': Name('Font'), 'Subtype': Name('Type0'), 'BaseFont': ps_name, 'Encoding': Name('Identity-H'), 'DescendantFonts': [cidFontDictObject], 'ToUnicode': toUnicodeMapObject } # Make fontfile stream descriptor['FontFile2'] = fontfileObject length1Object = self.reserveObject('decoded length of a font') self.beginStream(, self.reserveObject('length of font stream'), {'Length1': length1Object}) with open(filename, 'rb') as fontfile: length1 = 0 while True: data = if not data: break length1 += len(data) self.currentstream.write(data) self.endStream() self.writeObject(length1Object, length1) # Make the 'W' (Widths) array, CidToGidMap and ToUnicode CMap # at the same time cid_to_gid_map = ['\0'] * 65536 widths = [] max_ccode = 0 for c in characters: ccode = c gind = font.get_char_index(ccode) glyph = font.load_char(ccode, flags=LOAD_NO_SCALE | LOAD_NO_HINTING) widths.append((ccode, cvt(glyph.horiAdvance))) if ccode < 65536: cid_to_gid_map[ccode] = chr(gind) max_ccode = max(ccode, max_ccode) widths.sort() cid_to_gid_map = cid_to_gid_map[:max_ccode + 1] last_ccode = -2 w = [] max_width = 0 unicode_groups = [] for ccode, width in widths: if ccode != last_ccode + 1: w.append(ccode) w.append([width]) unicode_groups.append([ccode, ccode]) else: w[-1].append(width) unicode_groups[-1][1] = ccode max_width = max(max_width, width) last_ccode = ccode unicode_bfrange = [] for start, end in unicode_groups: unicode_bfrange.append( b"<%04x> <%04x> [%s]" % (start, end, b" ".join(b"<%04x>" % x for x in range(start, end+1)))) unicode_cmap = (self._identityToUnicodeCMap % (len(unicode_groups), b"\n".join(unicode_bfrange))) # CIDToGIDMap stream cid_to_gid_map = "".join(cid_to_gid_map).encode("utf-16be") self.beginStream(, None, {'Length': len(cid_to_gid_map)}) self.currentstream.write(cid_to_gid_map) self.endStream() # ToUnicode CMap self.beginStream(, None, {'Length': unicode_cmap}) self.currentstream.write(unicode_cmap) self.endStream() descriptor['MaxWidth'] = max_width # Write everything out self.writeObject(cidFontDictObject, cidFontDict) self.writeObject(type0FontDictObject, type0FontDict) self.writeObject(fontdescObject, descriptor) self.writeObject(wObject, w) return type0FontDictObject # Beginning of main embedTTF function... ps_name = font.postscript_name.encode('ascii', 'replace') ps_name = Name(ps_name) pclt = font.get_sfnt_table('pclt') or {'capHeight': 0, 'xHeight': 0} post = font.get_sfnt_table('post') or {'italicAngle': (0, 0)} ff = font.face_flags sf = font.style_flags flags = 0 symbolic = False # in ('Cmsy10', 'Cmmi10', 'Cmex10') if ff & FIXED_WIDTH: flags |= 1 << 0 if 0: # TODO: serif flags |= 1 << 1 if symbolic: flags |= 1 << 2 else: flags |= 1 << 5 if sf & ITALIC: flags |= 1 << 6 if 0: # TODO: all caps flags |= 1 << 16 if 0: # TODO: small caps flags |= 1 << 17 if 0: # TODO: force bold flags |= 1 << 18 descriptor = { 'Type': Name('FontDescriptor'), 'FontName': ps_name, 'Flags': flags, 'FontBBox': [cvt(x, nearest=False) for x in font.bbox], 'Ascent': cvt(font.ascender, nearest=False), 'Descent': cvt(font.descender, nearest=False), 'CapHeight': cvt(pclt['capHeight'], nearest=False), 'XHeight': cvt(pclt['xHeight']), 'ItalicAngle': post['italicAngle'][1], # ??? 'StemV': 0 # ??? } # The font subsetting to a Type 3 font does not work for # OpenType (.otf) that embed a Postscript CFF font, so avoid that -- # save as a (non-subsetted) Type 42 font instead. if is_opentype_cff_font(filename): fonttype = 42 _log.warning("%r can not be subsetted into a Type 3 font. The " "entire font will be embedded in the output.", os.path.basename(filename)) if fonttype == 3: return embedTTFType3(font, characters, descriptor) elif fonttype == 42: return embedTTFType42(font, characters, descriptor)
[docs] def alphaState(self, alpha): """Return name of an ExtGState that sets alpha to the given value.""" state = self.alphaStates.get(alpha, None) if state is not None: return state[0] name = next(self._alpha_state_seq) self.alphaStates[alpha] = \ (name, {'Type': Name('ExtGState'), 'CA': alpha[0], 'ca': alpha[1]}) return name
def _soft_mask_state(self, smask): """ Return an ExtGState that sets the soft mask to the given shading. Parameters ---------- smask : Reference Reference to a shading in DeviceGray color space, whose luminosity is to be used as the alpha channel. Returns ------- Name """ state = self._soft_mask_states.get(smask, None) if state is not None: return state[0] name = next(self._soft_mask_seq) groupOb = self.reserveObject('transparency group for soft mask') self._soft_mask_states[smask] = ( name, { 'Type': Name('ExtGState'), 'AIS': False, 'SMask': { 'Type': Name('Mask'), 'S': Name('Luminosity'), 'BC': [1], 'G': groupOb } } ) self._soft_mask_groups.append(( groupOb, { 'Type': Name('XObject'), 'Subtype': Name('Form'), 'FormType': 1, 'Group': { 'S': Name('Transparency'), 'CS': Name('DeviceGray') }, 'Matrix': [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], 'Resources': {'Shading': {'S': smask}}, 'BBox': [0, 0, 1, 1] }, [Name('S'), Op.shading] )) return name
[docs] def writeExtGSTates(self): self.writeObject( self._extGStateObject, dict([ *self.alphaStates.values(), *self._soft_mask_states.values() ]) )
def _write_soft_mask_groups(self): for ob, attributes, content in self._soft_mask_groups: self.beginStream(, None, attributes) self.output(*content) self.endStream()
[docs] def hatchPattern(self, hatch_style): # The colors may come in as numpy arrays, which aren't hashable if hatch_style is not None: edge, face, hatch = hatch_style if edge is not None: edge = tuple(edge) if face is not None: face = tuple(face) hatch_style = (edge, face, hatch) pattern = self.hatchPatterns.get(hatch_style, None) if pattern is not None: return pattern name = next(self._hatch_pattern_seq) self.hatchPatterns[hatch_style] = name return name
[docs] def writeHatches(self): hatchDict = dict() sidelen = 72.0 for hatch_style, name in self.hatchPatterns.items(): ob = self.reserveObject('hatch pattern') hatchDict[name] = ob res = {'Procsets': [Name(x) for x in "PDF Text ImageB ImageC ImageI".split()]} self.beginStream(, None, {'Type': Name('Pattern'), 'PatternType': 1, 'PaintType': 1, 'TilingType': 1, 'BBox': [0, 0, sidelen, sidelen], 'XStep': sidelen, 'YStep': sidelen, 'Resources': res, # Change origin to match Agg at top-left. 'Matrix': [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, self.height * 72]}) stroke_rgb, fill_rgb, path = hatch_style self.output(stroke_rgb[0], stroke_rgb[1], stroke_rgb[2], Op.setrgb_stroke) if fill_rgb is not None: self.output(fill_rgb[0], fill_rgb[1], fill_rgb[2], Op.setrgb_nonstroke, 0, 0, sidelen, sidelen, Op.rectangle, Op.fill) self.output(mpl.rcParams['hatch.linewidth'], Op.setlinewidth) self.output(*self.pathOperations( Path.hatch(path), Affine2D().scale(sidelen), simplify=False)) self.output(Op.fill_stroke) self.endStream() self.writeObject(self.hatchObject, hatchDict)
[docs] def addGouraudTriangles(self, points, colors): """ Add a Gouraud triangle shading. Parameters ---------- points : np.ndarray Triangle vertices, shape (n, 3, 2) where n = number of triangles, 3 = vertices, 2 = x, y. colors : np.ndarray Vertex colors, shape (n, 3, 1) or (n, 3, 4) as with points, but last dimension is either (gray,) or (r, g, b, alpha). Returns ------- Name, Reference """ name = Name('GT%d' % len(self.gouraudTriangles)) ob = self.reserveObject(f'Gouraud triangle {name}') self.gouraudTriangles.append((name, ob, points, colors)) return name, ob
[docs] def writeGouraudTriangles(self): gouraudDict = dict() for name, ob, points, colors in self.gouraudTriangles: gouraudDict[name] = ob shape = points.shape flat_points = points.reshape((shape[0] * shape[1], 2)) colordim = colors.shape[2] assert colordim in (1, 4) flat_colors = colors.reshape((shape[0] * shape[1], colordim)) if colordim == 4: # strip the alpha channel colordim = 3 points_min = np.min(flat_points, axis=0) - (1 << 8) points_max = np.max(flat_points, axis=0) + (1 << 8) factor = 0xffffffff / (points_max - points_min) self.beginStream(, None, {'ShadingType': 4, 'BitsPerCoordinate': 32, 'BitsPerComponent': 8, 'BitsPerFlag': 8, 'ColorSpace': Name( 'DeviceRGB' if colordim == 3 else 'DeviceGray' ), 'AntiAlias': False, 'Decode': ([points_min[0], points_max[0], points_min[1], points_max[1]] + [0, 1] * colordim), }) streamarr = np.empty( (shape[0] * shape[1],), dtype=[('flags', 'u1'), ('points', '>u4', (2,)), ('colors', 'u1', (colordim,))]) streamarr['flags'] = 0 streamarr['points'] = (flat_points - points_min) * factor streamarr['colors'] = flat_colors[:, :colordim] * 255.0 self.write(streamarr.tobytes()) self.endStream() self.writeObject(self.gouraudObject, gouraudDict)
[docs] def imageObject(self, image): """Return name of an image XObject representing the given image.""" entry = self._images.get(id(image), None) if entry is not None: return entry[1] name = next(self._image_seq) ob = self.reserveObject(f'image {name}') self._images[id(image)] = (image, name, ob) return name
def _unpack(self, im): """ Unpack image array *im* into ``(data, alpha)``, which have shape ``(height, width, 3)`` (RGB) or ``(height, width, 1)`` (grayscale or alpha), except that alpha is None if the image is fully opaque. """ im = im[::-1] if im.ndim == 2: return im, None else: rgb = im[:, :, :3] rgb = np.array(rgb, order='C') # PDF needs a separate alpha image if im.shape[2] == 4: alpha = im[:, :, 3][..., None] if np.all(alpha == 255): alpha = None else: alpha = np.array(alpha, order='C') else: alpha = None return rgb, alpha def _writePng(self, data): """ Write the image *data* into the pdf file using png predictors with Flate compression. """ buffer = BytesIO() if data.shape[-1] == 1: data = data.squeeze(axis=-1) Image.fromarray(data).save(buffer, format="png") while True: length, type = struct.unpack(b'!L4s', if type == b'IDAT': data = if len(data) != length: raise RuntimeError("truncated data") self.currentstream.write(data) elif type == b'IEND': break else:, 1), 1) # skip CRC def _writeImg(self, data, id, smask=None): """ Write the image *data*, of shape ``(height, width, 1)`` (grayscale) or ``(height, width, 3)`` (RGB), as pdf object *id* and with the soft mask (alpha channel) *smask*, which should be either None or a ``(height, width, 1)`` array. """ height, width, colors = data.shape obj = {'Type': Name('XObject'), 'Subtype': Name('Image'), 'Width': width, 'Height': height, 'ColorSpace': Name({1: 'DeviceGray', 3: 'DeviceRGB'}[colors]), 'BitsPerComponent': 8} if smask: obj['SMask'] = smask if mpl.rcParams['pdf.compression']: png = {'Predictor': 10, 'Colors': colors, 'Columns': width} else: png = None self.beginStream( id, self.reserveObject('length of image stream'), obj, png=png ) if png: self._writePng(data) else: self.currentstream.write(data.tobytes()) self.endStream()
[docs] def writeImages(self): for img, name, ob in self._images.values(): data, adata = self._unpack(img) if adata is not None: smaskObject = self.reserveObject("smask") self._writeImg(adata, else: smaskObject = None self._writeImg(data,, smaskObject)
[docs] def markerObject(self, path, trans, fill, stroke, lw, joinstyle, capstyle): """Return name of a marker XObject representing the given path.""" # self.markers used by markerObject, writeMarkers, close: # mapping from (path operations, fill?, stroke?) to # [name, object reference, bounding box, linewidth] # This enables different draw_markers calls to share the XObject # if the gc is sufficiently similar: colors etc can vary, but # the choices of whether to fill and whether to stroke cannot. # We need a bounding box enclosing all of the XObject path, # but since line width may vary, we store the maximum of all # occurring line widths in self.markers. # close() is somewhat tightly coupled in that it expects the # first two components of each value in self.markers to be the # name and object reference. pathops = self.pathOperations(path, trans, simplify=False) key = (tuple(pathops), bool(fill), bool(stroke), joinstyle, capstyle) result = self.markers.get(key) if result is None: name = Name('M%d' % len(self.markers)) ob = self.reserveObject('marker %d' % len(self.markers)) bbox = path.get_extents(trans) self.markers[key] = [name, ob, bbox, lw] else: if result[-1] < lw: result[-1] = lw name = result[0] return name
[docs] def writeMarkers(self): for ((pathops, fill, stroke, joinstyle, capstyle), (name, ob, bbox, lw)) in self.markers.items(): # bbox wraps the exact limits of the control points, so half a line # will appear outside it. If the join style is miter and the line # is not parallel to the edge, then the line will extend even # further. From the PDF specification, Section, the miter # limit is miterLength / lineWidth and from Table 52, the default # is 10. With half the miter length outside, that works out to the # following padding: bbox = bbox.padded(lw * 5) self.beginStream(, None, {'Type': Name('XObject'), 'Subtype': Name('Form'), 'BBox': list(bbox.extents)}) self.output(GraphicsContextPdf.joinstyles[joinstyle], Op.setlinejoin) self.output(GraphicsContextPdf.capstyles[capstyle], Op.setlinecap) self.output(*pathops) self.output(Op.paint_path(fill, stroke)) self.endStream()
[docs] def pathCollectionObject(self, gc, path, trans, padding, filled, stroked): name = Name('P%d' % len(self.paths)) ob = self.reserveObject('path %d' % len(self.paths)) self.paths.append( (name, path, trans, ob, gc.get_joinstyle(), gc.get_capstyle(), padding, filled, stroked)) return name
[docs] def writePathCollectionTemplates(self): for (name, path, trans, ob, joinstyle, capstyle, padding, filled, stroked) in self.paths: pathops = self.pathOperations(path, trans, simplify=False) bbox = path.get_extents(trans) if not np.all(np.isfinite(bbox.extents)): extents = [0, 0, 0, 0] else: bbox = bbox.padded(padding) extents = list(bbox.extents) self.beginStream(, None, {'Type': Name('XObject'), 'Subtype': Name('Form'), 'BBox': extents}) self.output(GraphicsContextPdf.joinstyles[joinstyle], Op.setlinejoin) self.output(GraphicsContextPdf.capstyles[capstyle], Op.setlinecap) self.output(*pathops) self.output(Op.paint_path(filled, stroked)) self.endStream()
[docs] @staticmethod def pathOperations(path, transform, clip=None, simplify=None, sketch=None): return [Verbatim(_path.convert_to_string( path, transform, clip, simplify, sketch, 6, [Op.moveto.op, Op.lineto.op, b'', Op.curveto.op, Op.closepath.op], True))]
[docs] def writePath(self, path, transform, clip=False, sketch=None): if clip: clip = (0.0, 0.0, self.width * 72, self.height * 72) simplify = path.should_simplify else: clip = None simplify = False cmds = self.pathOperations(path, transform, clip, simplify=simplify, sketch=sketch) self.output(*cmds)
[docs] def reserveObject(self, name=''): """ Reserve an ID for an indirect object. The name is used for debugging in case we forget to print out the object with writeObject. """ id = next(self._object_seq) self.xrefTable.append([None, 0, name]) return Reference(id)
[docs] def recordXref(self, id): self.xrefTable[id][0] = self.fh.tell() - self.tell_base
[docs] def writeObject(self, object, contents): self.recordXref( object.write(contents, self)
[docs] def writeXref(self): """Write out the xref table.""" self.startxref = self.fh.tell() - self.tell_base self.write(b"xref\n0 %d\n" % len(self.xrefTable)) for i, (offset, generation, name) in enumerate(self.xrefTable): if offset is None: raise AssertionError( 'No offset for object %d (%s)' % (i, name)) else: key = b"f" if name == 'the zero object' else b"n" text = b"%010d %05d %b \n" % (offset, generation, key) self.write(text)
[docs] def writeInfoDict(self): """Write out the info dictionary, checking it for good form""" self.infoObject = self.reserveObject('info') self.writeObject(self.infoObject, self.infoDict)
[docs] def writeTrailer(self): """Write out the PDF trailer.""" self.write(b"trailer\n") self.write(pdfRepr( {'Size': len(self.xrefTable), 'Root': self.rootObject, 'Info': self.infoObject})) # Could add 'ID' self.write(b"\nstartxref\n%d\n%%%%EOF\n" % self.startxref)
[docs]class RendererPdf(_backend_pdf_ps.RendererPDFPSBase): _afm_font_dir = cbook._get_data_path("fonts/pdfcorefonts") _use_afm_rc_name = "pdf.use14corefonts" def __init__(self, file, image_dpi, height, width): super().__init__(width, height) self.file = file self.gc = self.new_gc() self.mathtext_parser = MathTextParser("Pdf") self.image_dpi = image_dpi
[docs] def finalize(self): self.file.output(*self.gc.finalize())
[docs] def check_gc(self, gc, fillcolor=None): orig_fill = getattr(gc, '_fillcolor', (0., 0., 0.)) gc._fillcolor = fillcolor orig_alphas = getattr(gc, '_effective_alphas', (1.0, 1.0)) if gc.get_rgb() is None: # It should not matter what color here since linewidth should be # 0 unless affected by global settings in rcParams, hence setting # zero alpha just in case. gc.set_foreground((0, 0, 0, 0), isRGBA=True) if gc._forced_alpha: gc._effective_alphas = (gc._alpha, gc._alpha) elif fillcolor is None or len(fillcolor) < 4: gc._effective_alphas = (gc._rgb[3], 1.0) else: gc._effective_alphas = (gc._rgb[3], fillcolor[3]) delta = if delta: self.file.output(*delta) # Restore gc to avoid unwanted side effects gc._fillcolor = orig_fill gc._effective_alphas = orig_alphas
[docs] @cbook.deprecated("3.3") def track_characters(self, *args, **kwargs): """Keep track of which characters are required from each font.""" self.file._character_tracker.track(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @cbook.deprecated("3.3") def merge_used_characters(self, *args, **kwargs): self.file._character_tracker.merge(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_image_magnification(self): return self.image_dpi/72.0
[docs] def draw_image(self, gc, x, y, im, transform=None): # docstring inherited h, w = im.shape[:2] if w == 0 or h == 0: return if transform is None: # If there's no transform, alpha has already been applied gc.set_alpha(1.0) self.check_gc(gc) w = 72.0 * w / self.image_dpi h = 72.0 * h / self.image_dpi imob = self.file.imageObject(im) if transform is None: self.file.output(Op.gsave, w, 0, 0, h, x, y, Op.concat_matrix, imob, Op.use_xobject, Op.grestore) else: tr1, tr2, tr3, tr4, tr5, tr6 = transform.frozen().to_values() self.file.output(Op.gsave, 1, 0, 0, 1, x, y, Op.concat_matrix, tr1, tr2, tr3, tr4, tr5, tr6, Op.concat_matrix, imob, Op.use_xobject, Op.grestore)
[docs] def draw_path(self, gc, path, transform, rgbFace=None): # docstring inherited self.check_gc(gc, rgbFace) self.file.writePath( path, transform, rgbFace is None and gc.get_hatch_path() is None, gc.get_sketch_params()) self.file.output(self.gc.paint())
[docs] def draw_path_collection(self, gc, master_transform, paths, all_transforms, offsets, offsetTrans, facecolors, edgecolors, linewidths, linestyles, antialiaseds, urls, offset_position): # We can only reuse the objects if the presence of fill and # stroke (and the amount of alpha for each) is the same for # all of them can_do_optimization = True facecolors = np.asarray(facecolors) edgecolors = np.asarray(edgecolors) if not len(facecolors): filled = False can_do_optimization = not gc.get_hatch() else: if np.all(facecolors[:, 3] == facecolors[0, 3]): filled = facecolors[0, 3] != 0.0 else: can_do_optimization = False if not len(edgecolors): stroked = False else: if np.all(np.asarray(linewidths) == 0.0): stroked = False elif np.all(edgecolors[:, 3] == edgecolors[0, 3]): stroked = edgecolors[0, 3] != 0.0 else: can_do_optimization = False # Is the optimization worth it? Rough calculation: # cost of emitting a path in-line is len_path * uses_per_path # cost of XObject is len_path + 5 for the definition, # uses_per_path for the uses len_path = len(paths[0].vertices) if len(paths) > 0 else 0 uses_per_path = self._iter_collection_uses_per_path( paths, all_transforms, offsets, facecolors, edgecolors) should_do_optimization = \ len_path + uses_per_path + 5 < len_path * uses_per_path if (not can_do_optimization) or (not should_do_optimization): return RendererBase.draw_path_collection( self, gc, master_transform, paths, all_transforms, offsets, offsetTrans, facecolors, edgecolors, linewidths, linestyles, antialiaseds, urls, offset_position) padding = np.max(linewidths) path_codes = [] for i, (path, transform) in enumerate(self._iter_collection_raw_paths( master_transform, paths, all_transforms)): name = self.file.pathCollectionObject( gc, path, transform, padding, filled, stroked) path_codes.append(name) output = self.file.output output(*self.gc.push()) lastx, lasty = 0, 0 for xo, yo, path_id, gc0, rgbFace in self._iter_collection( gc, master_transform, all_transforms, path_codes, offsets, offsetTrans, facecolors, edgecolors, linewidths, linestyles, antialiaseds, urls, offset_position): self.check_gc(gc0, rgbFace) dx, dy = xo - lastx, yo - lasty output(1, 0, 0, 1, dx, dy, Op.concat_matrix, path_id, Op.use_xobject) lastx, lasty = xo, yo output(*self.gc.pop())
[docs] def draw_markers(self, gc, marker_path, marker_trans, path, trans, rgbFace=None): # docstring inherited # Same logic as in draw_path_collection len_marker_path = len(marker_path) uses = len(path) if len_marker_path * uses < len_marker_path + uses + 5: RendererBase.draw_markers(self, gc, marker_path, marker_trans, path, trans, rgbFace) return self.check_gc(gc, rgbFace) fill = gc.fill(rgbFace) stroke = gc.stroke() output = self.file.output marker = self.file.markerObject( marker_path, marker_trans, fill, stroke, self.gc._linewidth, gc.get_joinstyle(), gc.get_capstyle()) output(Op.gsave) lastx, lasty = 0, 0 for vertices, code in path.iter_segments( trans, clip=(0, 0, self.file.width*72, self.file.height*72), simplify=False): if len(vertices): x, y = vertices[-2:] if not (0 <= x <= self.file.width * 72 and 0 <= y <= self.file.height * 72): continue dx, dy = x - lastx, y - lasty output(1, 0, 0, 1, dx, dy, Op.concat_matrix, marker, Op.use_xobject) lastx, lasty = x, y output(Op.grestore)
[docs] def draw_gouraud_triangle(self, gc, points, colors, trans): self.draw_gouraud_triangles(gc, points.reshape((1, 3, 2)), colors.reshape((1, 3, 4)), trans)
[docs] def draw_gouraud_triangles(self, gc, points, colors, trans): assert len(points) == len(colors) if len(points) == 0: return assert points.ndim == 3 assert points.shape[1] == 3 assert points.shape[2] == 2 assert colors.ndim == 3 assert colors.shape[1] == 3 assert colors.shape[2] in (1, 4) shape = points.shape points = points.reshape((shape[0] * shape[1], 2)) tpoints = trans.transform(points) tpoints = tpoints.reshape(shape) name, _ = self.file.addGouraudTriangles(tpoints, colors) output = self.file.output if colors.shape[2] == 1: # grayscale gc.set_alpha(1.0) self.check_gc(gc) output(name, Op.shading) return alpha = colors[0, 0, 3] if np.allclose(alpha, colors[:, :, 3]): # single alpha value gc.set_alpha(alpha) self.check_gc(gc) output(name, Op.shading) else: # varying alpha: use a soft mask alpha = colors[:, :, 3][:, :, None] _, smask_ob = self.file.addGouraudTriangles(tpoints, alpha) gstate = self.file._soft_mask_state(smask_ob) output(Op.gsave, gstate, Op.setgstate, name, Op.shading, Op.grestore)
def _setup_textpos(self, x, y, angle, oldx=0, oldy=0, oldangle=0): if angle == oldangle == 0: self.file.output(x - oldx, y - oldy, Op.textpos) else: angle = math.radians(angle) self.file.output(math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle), -math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle), x, y, Op.textmatrix) self.file.output(0, 0, Op.textpos)
[docs] def draw_mathtext(self, gc, x, y, s, prop, angle): # TODO: fix positioning and encoding width, height, descent, glyphs, rects, used_characters = \ self.mathtext_parser.parse(s, 72, prop) self.file._character_tracker.merge(used_characters) # When using Type 3 fonts, we can't use character codes higher # than 255, so we use the "Do" command to render those # instead. global_fonttype = mpl.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] # Set up a global transformation matrix for the whole math expression a = math.radians(angle) self.file.output(Op.gsave) self.file.output(math.cos(a), math.sin(a), -math.sin(a), math.cos(a), x, y, Op.concat_matrix) self.check_gc(gc, gc._rgb) self.file.output(Op.begin_text) prev_font = None, None oldx, oldy = 0, 0 for ox, oy, fontname, fontsize, num, symbol_name in glyphs: if is_opentype_cff_font(fontname): fonttype = 42 else: fonttype = global_fonttype if fonttype == 42 or num <= 255: self._setup_textpos(ox, oy, 0, oldx, oldy) oldx, oldy = ox, oy if (fontname, fontsize) != prev_font: self.file.output(self.file.fontName(fontname), fontsize, Op.selectfont) prev_font = fontname, fontsize self.file.output(self.encode_string(chr(num), fonttype), self.file.output(Op.end_text) # If using Type 3 fonts, render all of the multi-byte characters # as XObjects using the 'Do' command. if global_fonttype == 3: for ox, oy, fontname, fontsize, num, symbol_name in glyphs: if is_opentype_cff_font(fontname): fonttype = 42 else: fonttype = global_fonttype if fonttype == 3 and num > 255: self.file.fontName(fontname) self.file.output(Op.gsave, 0.001 * fontsize, 0, 0, 0.001 * fontsize, ox, oy, Op.concat_matrix) name = self.file._get_xobject_symbol_name( fontname, symbol_name) self.file.output(Name(name), Op.use_xobject) self.file.output(Op.grestore) # Draw any horizontal lines in the math layout for ox, oy, width, height in rects: self.file.output(Op.gsave, ox, oy, width, height, Op.rectangle, Op.fill, Op.grestore) # Pop off the global transformation self.file.output(Op.grestore)
[docs] @cbook._delete_parameter("3.3", "ismath") def draw_tex(self, gc, x, y, s, prop, angle, ismath='TeX!', mtext=None): # docstring inherited texmanager = self.get_texmanager() fontsize = prop.get_size_in_points() dvifile = texmanager.make_dvi(s, fontsize) with dviread.Dvi(dvifile, 72) as dvi: page, = dvi # Gather font information and do some setup for combining # characters into strings. The variable seq will contain a # sequence of font and text entries. A font entry is a list # ['font', name, size] where name is a Name object for the # font. A text entry is ['text', x, y, glyphs, x+w] where x # and y are the starting coordinates, w is the width, and # glyphs is a list; in this phase it will always contain just # one one-character string, but later it may have longer # strings interspersed with kern amounts. oldfont, seq = None, [] for x1, y1, dvifont, glyph, width in page.text: if dvifont != oldfont: pdfname = self.file.dviFontName(dvifont) seq += [['font', pdfname, dvifont.size]] oldfont = dvifont seq += [['text', x1, y1, [bytes([glyph])], x1+width]] # Find consecutive text strings with constant y coordinate and # combine into a sequence of strings and kerns, or just one # string (if any kerns would be less than 0.1 points). i, curx, fontsize = 0, 0, None while i < len(seq)-1: elt, nxt = seq[i:i+2] if elt[0] == 'font': fontsize = elt[2] elif elt[0] == nxt[0] == 'text' and elt[2] == nxt[2]: offset = elt[4] - nxt[1] if abs(offset) < 0.1: elt[3][-1] += nxt[3][0] elt[4] += nxt[4]-nxt[1] else: elt[3] += [offset*1000.0/fontsize, nxt[3][0]] elt[4] = nxt[4] del seq[i+1] continue i += 1 # Create a transform to map the dvi contents to the canvas. mytrans = Affine2D().rotate_deg(angle).translate(x, y) # Output the text. self.check_gc(gc, gc._rgb) self.file.output(Op.begin_text) curx, cury, oldx, oldy = 0, 0, 0, 0 for elt in seq: if elt[0] == 'font': self.file.output(elt[1], elt[2], Op.selectfont) elif elt[0] == 'text': curx, cury = mytrans.transform((elt[1], elt[2])) self._setup_textpos(curx, cury, angle, oldx, oldy) oldx, oldy = curx, cury if len(elt[3]) == 1: self.file.output(elt[3][0], else: self.file.output(elt[3], Op.showkern) else: assert False self.file.output(Op.end_text) # Then output the boxes (e.g., variable-length lines of square # roots). boxgc = self.new_gc() boxgc.copy_properties(gc) boxgc.set_linewidth(0) pathops = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY] for x1, y1, h, w in page.boxes: path = Path([[x1, y1], [x1+w, y1], [x1+w, y1+h], [x1, y1+h], [0, 0]], pathops) self.draw_path(boxgc, path, mytrans, gc._rgb)
[docs] def encode_string(self, s, fonttype): if fonttype in (1, 3): return s.encode('cp1252', 'replace') return s.encode('utf-16be', 'replace')
[docs] def draw_text(self, gc, x, y, s, prop, angle, ismath=False, mtext=None): # docstring inherited # TODO: combine consecutive texts into one BT/ET delimited section self.check_gc(gc, gc._rgb) if ismath: return self.draw_mathtext(gc, x, y, s, prop, angle) fontsize = prop.get_size_in_points() if mpl.rcParams['pdf.use14corefonts']: font = self._get_font_afm(prop) fonttype = 1 else: font = self._get_font_ttf(prop) self.file._character_tracker.track(font, s) fonttype = mpl.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] # We can't subset all OpenType fonts, so switch to Type 42 # in that case. if is_opentype_cff_font(font.fname): fonttype = 42 # If fonttype != 3 or there are no multibyte characters, emit the whole # string at once. if fonttype != 3 or all(ord(char) <= 255 for char in s): self.file.output(Op.begin_text, self.file.fontName(prop), fontsize, Op.selectfont) self._setup_textpos(x, y, angle) self.file.output(self.encode_string(s, fonttype),, Op.end_text) # There is no way to access multibyte characters of Type 3 fonts, as # they cannot have a CIDMap. Therefore, in this case we break the # string into chunks, where each chunk contains either a string of # consecutive 1-byte characters or a single multibyte character. Each # chunk is emitted with a separate command: 1-byte characters use the # regular text show command (Tj), whereas multibyte characters use # the XObject command (Do). (If using Type 42 fonts, all of this # complication is avoided, but of course, those fonts can not be # subsetted.) else: singlebyte_chunks = [] # List of (start_x, list-of-1-byte-chars). multibyte_glyphs = [] # List of (start_x, glyph_index). prev_was_singlebyte = False for char, (glyph_idx, glyph_x) in zip( s, _text_layout.layout(s, font, kern_mode=KERNING_UNFITTED)): if ord(char) <= 255: if prev_was_singlebyte: singlebyte_chunks[-1][1].append(char) else: singlebyte_chunks.append((glyph_x, [char])) prev_was_singlebyte = True else: multibyte_glyphs.append((glyph_x, glyph_idx)) prev_was_singlebyte = False # Do the rotation and global translation as a single matrix # concatenation up front self.file.output(Op.gsave) a = math.radians(angle) self.file.output(math.cos(a), math.sin(a), -math.sin(a), math.cos(a), x, y, Op.concat_matrix) # Emit all the 1-byte characters in a BT/ET group. self.file.output(Op.begin_text, self.file.fontName(prop), fontsize, Op.selectfont) prev_start_x = 0 for start_x, chars in singlebyte_chunks: self._setup_textpos(start_x, 0, 0, prev_start_x, 0, 0) self.file.output(self.encode_string(''.join(chars), fonttype), prev_start_x = start_x self.file.output(Op.end_text) # Then emit all the multibyte characters, one at a time. for start_x, glyph_idx in multibyte_glyphs: glyph_name = font.get_glyph_name(glyph_idx) self.file.output(Op.gsave) self.file.output(0.001 * fontsize, 0, 0, 0.001 * fontsize, start_x, 0, Op.concat_matrix) name = self.file._get_xobject_symbol_name( font.fname, glyph_name) self.file.output(Name(name), Op.use_xobject) self.file.output(Op.grestore) self.file.output(Op.grestore)
[docs] def new_gc(self): # docstring inherited return GraphicsContextPdf(self.file)
[docs]class GraphicsContextPdf(GraphicsContextBase): def __init__(self, file): GraphicsContextBase.__init__(self) self._fillcolor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) self._effective_alphas = (1.0, 1.0) self.file = file self.parent = None def __repr__(self): d = dict(self.__dict__) del d['file'] del d['parent'] return repr(d)
[docs] def stroke(self): """ Predicate: does the path need to be stroked (its outline drawn)? This tests for the various conditions that disable stroking the path, in which case it would presumably be filled. """ # _linewidth > 0: in pdf a line of width 0 is drawn at minimum # possible device width, but e.g., agg doesn't draw at all return (self._linewidth > 0 and self._alpha > 0 and (len(self._rgb) <= 3 or self._rgb[3] != 0.0))
[docs] def fill(self, *args): """ Predicate: does the path need to be filled? An optional argument can be used to specify an alternative _fillcolor, as needed by RendererPdf.draw_markers. """ if len(args): _fillcolor = args[0] else: _fillcolor = self._fillcolor return (self._hatch or (_fillcolor is not None and (len(_fillcolor) <= 3 or _fillcolor[3] != 0.0)))
[docs] def paint(self): """ Return the appropriate pdf operator to cause the path to be stroked, filled, or both. """ return Op.paint_path(self.fill(), self.stroke())
capstyles = {'butt': 0, 'round': 1, 'projecting': 2} joinstyles = {'miter': 0, 'round': 1, 'bevel': 2}
[docs] def capstyle_cmd(self, style): return [self.capstyles[style], Op.setlinecap]
[docs] def joinstyle_cmd(self, style): return [self.joinstyles[style], Op.setlinejoin]
[docs] def linewidth_cmd(self, width): return [width, Op.setlinewidth]
[docs] def dash_cmd(self, dashes): offset, dash = dashes if dash is None: dash = [] offset = 0 return [list(dash), offset, Op.setdash]
[docs] def alpha_cmd(self, alpha, forced, effective_alphas): name = self.file.alphaState(effective_alphas) return [name, Op.setgstate]
[docs] def hatch_cmd(self, hatch, hatch_color): if not hatch: if self._fillcolor is not None: return self.fillcolor_cmd(self._fillcolor) else: return [Name('DeviceRGB'), Op.setcolorspace_nonstroke] else: hatch_style = (hatch_color, self._fillcolor, hatch) name = self.file.hatchPattern(hatch_style) return [Name('Pattern'), Op.setcolorspace_nonstroke, name, Op.setcolor_nonstroke]
[docs] def rgb_cmd(self, rgb): if mpl.rcParams['pdf.inheritcolor']: return [] if rgb[0] == rgb[1] == rgb[2]: return [rgb[0], Op.setgray_stroke] else: return [*rgb[:3], Op.setrgb_stroke]
[docs] def fillcolor_cmd(self, rgb): if rgb is None or mpl.rcParams['pdf.inheritcolor']: return [] elif rgb[0] == rgb[1] == rgb[2]: return [rgb[0], Op.setgray_nonstroke] else: return [*rgb[:3], Op.setrgb_nonstroke]
[docs] def push(self): parent = GraphicsContextPdf(self.file) parent.copy_properties(self) parent.parent = self.parent self.parent = parent return [Op.gsave]
[docs] def pop(self): assert self.parent is not None self.copy_properties(self.parent) self.parent = self.parent.parent return [Op.grestore]
[docs] def clip_cmd(self, cliprect, clippath): """Set clip rectangle. Calls `.pop()` and `.push()`.""" cmds = [] # Pop graphics state until we hit the right one or the stack is empty while ((self._cliprect, self._clippath) != (cliprect, clippath) and self.parent is not None): cmds.extend(self.pop()) # Unless we hit the right one, set the clip polygon if ((self._cliprect, self._clippath) != (cliprect, clippath) or self.parent is None): cmds.extend(self.push()) if self._cliprect != cliprect: cmds.extend([cliprect, Op.rectangle, Op.clip, Op.endpath]) if self._clippath != clippath: path, affine = clippath.get_transformed_path_and_affine() cmds.extend( PdfFile.pathOperations(path, affine, simplify=False) + [Op.clip, Op.endpath]) return cmds
commands = ( # must come first since may pop (('_cliprect', '_clippath'), clip_cmd), (('_alpha', '_forced_alpha', '_effective_alphas'), alpha_cmd), (('_capstyle',), capstyle_cmd), (('_fillcolor',), fillcolor_cmd), (('_joinstyle',), joinstyle_cmd), (('_linewidth',), linewidth_cmd), (('_dashes',), dash_cmd), (('_rgb',), rgb_cmd), # must come after fillcolor and rgb (('_hatch', '_hatch_color'), hatch_cmd), )
[docs] def delta(self, other): """ Copy properties of other into self and return PDF commands needed to transform self into other. """ cmds = [] fill_performed = False for params, cmd in self.commands: different = False for p in params: ours = getattr(self, p) theirs = getattr(other, p) try: if ours is None or theirs is None: different = ours is not theirs else: different = bool(ours != theirs) except ValueError: ours = np.asarray(ours) theirs = np.asarray(theirs) different = (ours.shape != theirs.shape or np.any(ours != theirs)) if different: break # Need to update hatching if we also updated fillcolor if params == ('_hatch', '_hatch_color') and fill_performed: different = True if different: if params == ('_fillcolor',): fill_performed = True theirs = [getattr(other, p) for p in params] cmds.extend(cmd(self, *theirs)) for p in params: setattr(self, p, getattr(other, p)) return cmds
[docs] def copy_properties(self, other): """ Copy properties of other into self. """ GraphicsContextBase.copy_properties(self, other) fillcolor = getattr(other, '_fillcolor', self._fillcolor) effective_alphas = getattr(other, '_effective_alphas', self._effective_alphas) self._fillcolor = fillcolor self._effective_alphas = effective_alphas
[docs] def finalize(self): """ Make sure every pushed graphics state is popped. """ cmds = [] while self.parent is not None: cmds.extend(self.pop()) return cmds
[docs]class PdfPages: """ A multi-page PDF file. Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> # Initialize: >>> with PdfPages('foo.pdf') as pdf: ... # As many times as you like, create a figure fig and save it: ... fig = plt.figure() ... pdf.savefig(fig) ... # When no figure is specified the current figure is saved ... pdf.savefig() Notes ----- In reality `PdfPages` is a thin wrapper around `PdfFile`, in order to avoid confusion when using `~.pyplot.savefig` and forgetting the format argument. """ __slots__ = ('_file', 'keep_empty') def __init__(self, filename, keep_empty=True, metadata=None): """ Create a new PdfPages object. Parameters ---------- filename : str or path-like or file-like Plots using `PdfPages.savefig` will be written to a file at this location. The file is opened at once and any older file with the same name is overwritten. keep_empty : bool, optional If set to False, then empty pdf files will be deleted automatically when closed. metadata : dict, optional Information dictionary object (see PDF reference section 10.2.1 'Document Information Dictionary'), e.g.: ``{'Creator': 'My software', 'Author': 'Me', 'Title': 'Awesome'}``. The standard keys are 'Title', 'Author', 'Subject', 'Keywords', 'Creator', 'Producer', 'CreationDate', 'ModDate', and 'Trapped'. Values have been predefined for 'Creator', 'Producer' and 'CreationDate'. They can be removed by setting them to `None`. """ self._file = PdfFile(filename, metadata=metadata) self.keep_empty = keep_empty def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """ Finalize this object, making the underlying file a complete PDF file. """ self._file.finalize() self._file.close() if (self.get_pagecount() == 0 and not self.keep_empty and not self._file.passed_in_file_object): os.remove( self._file = None
[docs] def infodict(self): """ Return a modifiable information dictionary object (see PDF reference section 10.2.1 'Document Information Dictionary'). """ return self._file.infoDict
[docs] def savefig(self, figure=None, **kwargs): """ Save a `.Figure` to this file as a new page. Any other keyword arguments are passed to `~.Figure.savefig`. Parameters ---------- figure : `.Figure` or int, optional Specifies what figure is saved to file. If not specified, the active figure is saved. If a `.Figure` instance is provided, this figure is saved. If an int is specified, the figure instance to save is looked up by number. """ if not isinstance(figure, Figure): if figure is None: manager = Gcf.get_active() else: manager = Gcf.get_fig_manager(figure) if manager is None: raise ValueError("No figure {}".format(figure)) figure = manager.canvas.figure # Force use of pdf backend, as PdfPages is tightly coupled with it. try: orig_canvas = figure.canvas figure.canvas = FigureCanvasPdf(figure) figure.savefig(self, format="pdf", **kwargs) finally: figure.canvas = orig_canvas
[docs] def get_pagecount(self): """Return the current number of pages in the multipage pdf file.""" return len(self._file.pageList)
[docs] def attach_note(self, text, positionRect=[-100, -100, 0, 0]): """ Add a new text note to the page to be saved next. The optional positionRect specifies the position of the new note on the page. It is outside the page per default to make sure it is invisible on printouts. """ self._file.newTextnote(text, positionRect)
[docs]class FigureCanvasPdf(FigureCanvasBase): """ The canvas the figure renders into. Calls the draw and print fig methods, creates the renderers, etc... Attributes ---------- figure : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` A high-level Figure instance """ fixed_dpi = 72 filetypes = {'pdf': 'Portable Document Format'}
[docs] def get_default_filetype(self): return 'pdf'
[docs] @_check_savefig_extra_args def print_pdf(self, filename, *, dpi=72, # dpi to use for images bbox_inches_restore=None, metadata=None): self.figure.set_dpi(72) # there are 72 pdf points to an inch width, height = self.figure.get_size_inches() if isinstance(filename, PdfPages): file = filename._file else: file = PdfFile(filename, metadata=metadata) try: file.newPage(width, height) renderer = MixedModeRenderer( self.figure, width, height, dpi, RendererPdf(file, dpi, height, width), bbox_inches_restore=bbox_inches_restore) self.figure.draw(renderer) renderer.finalize() if not isinstance(filename, PdfPages): file.finalize() finally: if isinstance(filename, PdfPages): # finish off this page file.endStream() else: # we opened the file above; now finish it off file.close()
FigureManagerPdf = FigureManagerBase @_Backend.export class _BackendPdf(_Backend): FigureCanvas = FigureCanvasPdf