Assignment/Reading 7, Physics 426 Fluid Mechanics

Reading (Participation only, very short answer)

R1: Reynolds number in laminar Flow

Is the Reynold’s number small or large in a viscous flow? If the viscosity is molecular, what is the magnitude of $UL$ so that laminar flow is a good approximation?

R2: Taylor-Couette Flow

In these flows, one plate moves horizontally, dragging fluid with it, and hence exerting a stress on the fluid column and doing work on the flow. In steady state what happens to that work (energy can’t change)?


A1: Numerical Potential Flow (/15)

The text describes an iterative procedure for solving for solving for potential flow. Consider a channel, 50 m wide, z=0 in the centre, with a 2-D transport of $1\ \mathrm{m^2s^{-1}}$ in steady state. Two half cylinders are in the flow along the lower boundary, with their centers at (0.,-25) and radius 20 m, and (40,-25), radius 14 m.

For all of these, please turn in your code. I did this in Matlab and Python.

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