Assignment/Reading 9, Physics 426 Fluid Mechanics

Reading (Participation only, very short answer)

R1: Growth of a boundary layer…

What parameters set how thick a boundary layer will be? Consider a boat moving at 2 m/s (4 kts) through the water. How thick will the boundary layer be 1 m back from the bow with this scaling?

R2: Instability:

From the reading, qualitatively describe how we determine if a wavelength is unstable in a flow.


A1: Shear Parallel Flow (/15)

Consider a flow between two parallel infinite plates a distance $H$ apart. The upper plate is moving with speed $U$ parallel to the other plate, which is motionless. The flow starts at rest and the plate is impulsively moved to speed $U$. [Assume that the flow is laminar (i.e. no turbulence develops) and that the viscosity of the fluid is given by $\nu/(HU) = 0.1$. Assume that there are no net pressure forces.]

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