Laboratory Demonstrations


Fluid dynamics has many un-intuitive properties that benefit from seeing them in action. You and a partner will do a laboratory demonstration during the semester, and present the demo to the class.



You will come in before the demo for a few hours, arranged with you, and Andrew, and set up and practice the demonstrations. You will want to take some pictures, make some movies, and do some simple measurements as suggested in the description of the demo.


You will give the demos, usually on a Thursday afternoon. You should probably have a few slides prepared from your pictures and/or movies in case you got a better version of the demo previously. You should also show any data you collected as you varied parameters during the demo or in your prep before the demo. If you were given power laws or dependencies in the write up, or you found some on your own, show that the experiment follows those dependencies. Or if it does not, discuss what experimental issues prevent us from seeing them. Perhaps you will not have time to cover multiple values in parameter space during the in-person demo, but your write-up should include some.

Write up:

A write up is due the following week. This is a few pages:

Please format as a webpage, either as a jupyter Notebook, or a markdown document. Hand in via email as a zip file (or link to a zip file somewhere).


Previous year’s demos

Last Modified: 17 February 2025 Licence: Creative Commons Attribution required, non-commercial uses (CC BY-NC 4.0)