Talk rubric#

Appropriate amount and quality of information presented: (5)#

  • slides and discussion are focused on important aspects of the problem and proposal

  • there are not too many slides and slides are not too full or too sparse (one point per slide, but make sure there is a point!)

Good organization of the information (5)#

  • The talk should follow a simple progression

  • The viewer should come away with a clear understanding of your argument as to why the problem is important and how you are going to advance it.

Well crafted slides: (6)#

  • Slides should be legible and not cluttered.

  • Figures and text should be well balanced (not too much text!)

  • Figures should bolster your points.

Presentation Style (6)#

  • the talk should be practised so the presentation is economical and informative

  • note that memorizing your “speech” is uncommon in science. If you are extremely nervous in front of a group this may be appropriate. However, you should know what you are going to say for each slide. Not down to the word, but certainly the two or three points you plan to discuss.

  • speaker should engage the audience by making eye-contact. Avoid talking to the screen, though pointing out important points on the screen is very useful.

Able to answer questions from the class (3)#